Volunteering & Opportunities

Volunteer with Bristol Refugee Rights

We offer tailored training and support to member volunteers including support into employment. Speak to any member of staff at the drop in or get in touch by email.

Contact: volunteering@bristolrefugeerights.org

Volunteer with Aid Box Community

At Aid Box Community we have a range of well-supported volunteering opportunties that help us support our services. Volunteering opportunities include a weekly shift in our Free Shop, helping at our groups, becoming a connection friend, and supporting fundraising opportunities and events.

Contact: naomi@aidboxcommunity.co.uk

Bristol Refugee Festival - Refugee Week Events

Volunteer with Bristol Refugee Festival in June to celebrate the incredible Bristol community and meet new people!

Contact: info@bristolrefugeefestival.org


RefuLingua enables people of refugee and migrant backgrounds to gain employment or work experience through teaching their native language. By providing basic language teacher training and ongoing support, RefuLingua offers our tutors the opportunity to develop new skills, meet new people and gain confidence in a new country.

Contact: Click here

Moveable Feast

Moveable feast is an amazing catering (food) company. Moveable Feast offers BHN members and refugees to connect with UK citizens, improve skills for integration and employment, and feel less lonely and become a part of the community.

Contact: bibiana@bhn.org.uk