Elinor Harris, Bristol Hospitality Network Help Team Manager
“I have known ABC (Aid Box Community) since its inception in Bristol. […] ABC filled a huge gap in services for asylum seekers in Bristol. There was always a need for somewhere people could go for clothing and household items, a need which several organisations had tried to meet but who lacked the focus, organisational experience and expertise of ABC.
Since this initial clothing provision ABC have used their premises and volunteers in imaginative ways, with men’s and women’s groups, volunteering, and individual befriending. These services truly embody ABC’s values of respect and equality and I know many people who feel that ABC is where they can be themselves, and where they are most valued for their individual selves.
ABC works extremely well with other services in the city, always co-ordinating with others to ensure that we don’t duplicate and that ABC does what it can do best and what is most needed. During lockdown they quickly and very effectively galvanised their volunteers to deliver food and clothing, and they always respond quickly to changing and emerging needs in a practical, generous and efficient way.
ABC is essential to the welfare and wellbeing of asylum seekers and refugees in Bristol, and have become integral to the sector. We couldn’t do without them, and no one else can do what they do. Thank you for supporting them.“
Qerim Nuredini, British Red Cross Service Manager Refugee Support
“British Red Cross values enormously the work that Aid Box Community (ABC) is doing in Bristol to support our mutual clients in Bristol. We are very happy to endorse any funding application ABC may do that will benefit our clients in and around Bristol.
We believe that Aid Box Community’s services are incredibly important for our clients for many reasons such as: reducing isolation, improving MH, access to information, clothes, food, creating friends, etc.“
Andrew, Bristol Refugee Rights Welcome Team Manager
“ABC have an amazing, creative and flexible approach to their work. It meant they were amazingly adaptable during lockdown and have now developed exciting new projects, adapting to the changing context locally and nationally. The services they offer fit alongside those of other local partners really well. Their focus on both practical support, one to one connections and group activities really compliment the advice service and cafe style spaces we run at BRR. It's great to have local partners like ABC to work with. “
Phoebe Westwood, Bristol Refugee and Asylum Seeker Partnership
“Aid Box Community have been a valuable part of the Bristol Refugee and Asylum Seeker Partnership since its inception and their input as members of the steering group of the partnership has greatly strengthened its governance and provided clarity for BRASP's overall direction.
Their services are unique and vital to the work of the wider sector, and their ability to quickly adapt to fill gaps in provision is a real asset to the partnership. Aid Box Community are the only charity in the sector to provide clothing and other essential items in this way and at such a volume, whilst doing it with dignity and humanity at the heart. Their social groups provide a much-needed space for people to come together around an activity or a cup of tea and make new friends. The befriending programme provides a brilliant way for local people to connect with refugees and asylum seekers, bringing about long-lasting friendships. “